Dr. Tianlong Du’s Blog on Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
We Can Treat Sacroiliac Fascia Fat Hernia
We can treat Sacroiliac fascia fat hernia Sacroiliac fascia fat hernia ( Sacro-iliac facial lipocela ) refers to the hip fat through [...]
Acupuncture can treat Achalasia
Acupuncture can treat Achalasia Achalasia is a rare disorder that makes it difficult for food and liquid to pass Into your stomach. [...]
Acupuncture can cure Muscle Pain
Acupuncture can cure Muscle Pain Information about Muscle Pain Muscle pain or myalgia can occur in any muscle of your body. It [...]
How acupuncture helps in case of Infertility?
How acupuncture helps in case of Infertility? In today’s hectic lifestyle, infertility has become one of the most common health issues for both [...]
Acupuncture Can Treat Hip Pain
Acupuncture Can Treat Hip Pain Hip pain is a common complaint that can be caused by a wide variety of problems. The [...]
Acupuncture Can Treat Sudden Hearing Loss
Acupuncture Can Treat Sudden Hearing Loss Sudden hearing loss (SHL) is defined as a loss greater than 30 dB in three continuous [...]